Saturday, June 7, 2014

We treated US soldier well, say Taleban

Bowe Bergdahl

KABUL: The Taleban said Friday that US Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was treated well during the five years they held him captive and was even allowed to play soccer with the men holding him.

The spokesman, Zaibullah Mujahid, told The Associated Press by telephone that Bergdahl was held under “good conditions,” and was given fresh fruit and any other foods he requested. “You can ask him in America about his life (in captivity). He will not complain,” Mujahid said.

He said Bergdahl was held in different locations inside Afghanistan, without providing further details. He said the soldier enjoyed playing soccer as well as reading, including English-language books about Islam.

Since Bergdahl’s release senior officials, including President Barack Obama, have said the prisoner swap that involved the release of five high-profile Taleban detainees from Guantanamo Bay, and which has caused a furor in the United States, was hastened by concerns the Army sergeant’s physical health was deteriorating.





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We treated US soldier well, say Taleban

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