Saturday, June 7, 2014

Photo exhibit focuses on environment

Diplomats from Turkey and Japan are taking a look at the exhibits. Diplomats from Turkey and Japan are taking a look at the exhibits.

Six Saudi youth displayed photographs that they took in different parts of the Kingdom at an exhibition organized by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) office in Riyadh on Thursday.

The 2014 Photography Exhibition dubbed “Our Environment, Our Kingdom”, was sponsored by the UNDP at the UN office here to mark World Environment Day, which was marked earlier this week.

The exhibition presented 30 images from different cities and villages around the Kingdom. The six photographers are Dhafer AlShehri, Yousef AlMasoud, Mohammed Kharari, Roua Basaad, Faisal Al-Malki and Awadh Al-Hamzani. The event was attended by a number of diplomats and environmentalists.

“The six Saudi photographers traveled through the beautiful undiscovered natural terrain of the Kingdom,” Firas Gharaibeh, deputy resident representative of the UNDP office, here told Arab News on Thursday.

“In celebrating World Environment Day, UNDP Saudi Arabia is hoping to raise more awareness on the dangers of climate change in the country and ways to contribute to protecting the environment we live in,” he said, adding that the UNDP has ongoing projects on energy and environment in the Kingdom.

“World Environment Day (WED) is the United Nations’ principal vehicle for encouraging worldwide awareness and action for the environment. It also serves as the ‘people’s day’ for doing something positive for the environment, galvanizing individual actions into a collective power that generates an exponential positive impact on the planet,” Gharaibeh underlined.

As part of the global effort to mobilize action on climate change, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has invited heads of state and government as well as business, finance, civil society and local leaders to a climate summit in New York in September.

“This event will be a different kind of climate summit, as it aims to catalyze action from governments, business, finance, industry, and civil society and secure new commitments and scalable contributions that will help the world shift toward a low-carbon economy,” Gharaibeh explained.





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Photo exhibit focuses on environment

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