Friday, June 6, 2014

Deportation center inmates applaud humanitarian help

Saudi Arabia is probably the only country in the world that truly deserves be called the “Kingdom of humanity” as it is paying utmost care to poor destitute expatriate workers who are ill during their process to return home.

The Kingdom is providing best medical care to such poor expatriates irrespective of their legal status, the treatment includes cardiac treatment and kidney dialysis.

An Indian expatriate Shambhu Komaraih, who has recently returned home after spending almost a year in deportation center in Jeddah, is full of gratitude to the Kingdom and its authorities for helping him during his prolonged illness in the Kingdom.

He told Arab News over the phone from India, “I am not able get treatment what I used to get in the Kingdom by Saudi authorities. In a week I spent Rs.35,000 for dialysis for which my family has borrowed the money.”

He added, “I can’t get the treatment in corporate hospital in Hyderabad by paying the hefty fees whereas the same was offered by King Abdulaziz Hospital in Jeddah free of cost.”

“After falling ill inside the deportation center, Saudi authorities immediately shifted me to King Abdulaziz Hospital in Jeddah where I was admitted and treated for six months. Every week hospital authorities used to dialyze me twice and provided me with the best medical care,” he recalled. He thanked Saudi doctors and security officials for their kind assistance to him.

“I have no friend or relative but Saudi officials filled the gap. They treated me well and used to help me to call my family in India to speak and explain my health conditions,” Komaraiah narrated.

He said there were several other expatriates from India and other countries who were treated well and offered every possible support by hospital authorities.

A similar story is related by Sultana Begum, mother of the late Mateen.

Mateen, who had run away from Hafr Al-Batin and reached Jeddah, fell sick while working and his friends dropped him in front of emergency ward of King Fahd Hospital in Jeddah.

Mateen was in the hospital for nearly seven months under treatment but when he returned home his poor parents were not able to pay hospital fees and due to lack of treatment he died within a month upon return from Kingdom.

There are dozens of cases every week where authorities are referring inmates to hospitals for chronic diseases.

It is interesting to note that there are several Saudi citizens who have been waiting for dialysis but illegal expatriate inmates are being provided the same on purely humanitarian grounds irrespective of region or religion.





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Deportation center inmates applaud humanitarian help

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